Category Archives: The Story of Us

25 of 25…

This morning, the sun rose in the east. A bird chirped in a tree while a dog barked from a backyard. Life was normal for most of the world. But, not for me. No, today, things were different. Today is a milestone in my life as my wife and I celebrate 25 years of wedded ‘bliss’.

I say ‘bliss’ because that implies ignorance, and if anything we have learned in these last 25 years it’s that ‘bliss’ can be dangerous. Don’t look for bliss, it’s not all it’s cracked up to be. Instead, look for cake. No, wait, the cake is a lie. Look for.. oh… I got it.. look for each other. Yeah. That has the right amount of sappy and romantic in it that the women just love.

Yep, I burn the brownie points just as fast as I earn them… Continue reading 25 of 25…

24 of 25…

Almost the last one. Honestly, didn’t think I was going to make it. Life has been non-stop the last two weeks (hence some missed posts and my need to play catch up). But on this 2nd to last post, I wrote something that encompasses pretty much everything that I can say about our relationship. If you know us, and you get the reference, you totally understand.

So, without further ado, here is a tanka I wrote for her: Continue reading 24 of 25…

23 of 25…

So, this one might fall more into the advice category than anything else. But one of the hardest lessons I have had to learn in the 25 years (minus a day) of my marriage was that every decision I made was going to affect my wife. The little, the big, the stupid, the insane, the crazy… every one of them.

Early on, we established a rule about buying things. A certain dollar amount required both of us to say yes. Anything huge decision, we would walk away from and come back too. No need in having emotions wrapped up in something like that. Continue reading 23 of 25…

22 of 25…

I make a lot of reference to The Princess Bride, partly because it is a great movie that everyone should see, and partly because in some small truth, it is the story of my wife and I.

It all started when I was about 16. I fell in love with this red-headed girl who had taken me up on a challenge and proved me wrong. That night, I began my pursuit of her, and for two years she held me back, telling me ‘no’.


No? Hrm, we will see about that…

Continue reading 22 of 25…